Breaking bad habits

We all know that the key to success in fitness and body change is consistency: a very tricky notion for naturally inconsistent beings! On good days, wellbeing (treating ourselves well) is an easy task, but there are always days where we don’t feel so good and doing well for ourselves seems totally against our natural inclination. (more…)


Exercises for Great Posture

Poor posture is a modern day problem! What causes the rounding of the upper back? Sitting at desks, peering over computer screens, mobile phone use, long hours driving or commuting are often the main culprits. But what is happening in the body when this ‘poor posture’ develops?

The rounding of the upper back (often referred to as kyphosis) results in long and weak upper back muscles which don’t activate when we need them too and over time this means tight chest and shoulders which can limit shoulder mobility. Posture issues can develop to different degrees but if your back starts to round then the problem will only get worse unless you devote sometime to increasing strength, body awareness and over time, better posture!



Christmas Packages – Special Offer

Fitness is the perfect Christmas gift for your partner this year so Freespirit Fitness are offering two special wellbeing packages EXCLUSIVELY for this Christmas:

Merry Fit-mas ‘Starter Pack’                                   £99                25% off

3 x PT sessions (60 minutes each)                                          


Merry Fit-mas ‘Ultimate Pack’                                 £149              33% off 

3 x PT sessions (60 minutes each)

1 x Nutritional Consultation (45 minutes)

1 x Thai Sports Massage  (more…)


Why doing LESS is sometimes MORE

In the gym nearly EVERY morning, doing classes back to back, training well over 8 hours a week – this was me five years ago.

Did my weight ever change? No.

Did my measurements ever go down? No.

Did my clothes size ever change? No.

Did it make me strong? Inevitably, over time I grew muscle.

Was I exhausted? Yes.

Did I feel good? No.

Was I happy? Not really. The irony being that because I wasn’t getting the results I wanted, I wanted to do more and always made plans to do more. Never did occur to me that actually doing less would serve my happiness and goals better. 



5 Life-Changing Food Fundamentals

For 8 years, I bounced from diet to diet- either steering the wagon or very much being dragged along behind by my ankle! I was always waiting for the moment I would feel elation like the feeling at the top of the mountain when you think “I’ve made it!” But I never got this feeling, because you can always think of ways in which you could be better and you can fantasise about how much happier you would be if you were skinnier, more toned, more this, less that etc. But actually I came to realise that the time to love yourself -and enjoy being you- is actually now. 



TOP TIPS for gaining and maintaining muscle!

The majority of people that work out will, at one time or another, have said that they want to “tone up” but what does this actually mean? Toning up requires two things: gaining muscle and losing body fat.
In order to have a toned physique, you must create an environment that will support muscle building. This is not as simple as just lifting big heavy weights and drinking protein shakes with some raw eggs on the side.
