Is your food taking up too much of your brain space?
Time on a weekend to connect with outdoors - the simple things like watering plants in the sunshine

Is your food taking up too much of your brain space?

You get up in the morning and have seven internal conversations about the best breakfast combination before you reach your kitchen. Then spend a good five minutes debating what you think you should have and what you actually want. You get hungry again at 10am and eat an apple (good choice), but are then STARVING five minutes later so you look in your bag for something else to eat…


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TOP TIPS for gaining and maintaining muscle!

The majority of people that work out will, at one time or another, have said that they want to “tone up” but what does this actually mean? Toning up requires two things: gaining muscle and losing body fat.
In order to have a toned physique, you must create an environment that will support muscle building. This is not as simple as just lifting big heavy weights and drinking protein shakes with some raw eggs on the side.



5 Reasons Why You Aren’t Losing Weight

5 Reasons You Aren’t Losing Weight

The science behind losing weight comes from a simple equation:

Energy Used > Energy Consumed = Weight Loss

By burning more calories than you’re consuming your body is forced to use your fat stores as an energy source. Whilst it seems very simple on paper, it is a very delicate balance (hence why so many people struggle to lose weight) and it is achieving that perfect balance that leads to successful long-term weight loss. Below are 5 reasons why you may not be losing weight:
