
Agility and Movement `Specialist
Strength Coach
Olympic lifting
Mountain Climbing Enthusiast

I’m the type of person who has a dream and runs with it. I want to give you the tools, knowledge and confidence to do the same. 

I stand before you, with a piece of paper that says I am a qualified personal trainer (+ other sports related qualifications.)
Despite being a proud owner of these pieces of paper (or immortal digital copies) the qualification in itself isn’t proof that I am good at what I do. My journey before and after getting that piece of paper is bizarre, unconventional and frankly, a little bit kooky! My name is Sarah and I ran away with the circus…

Whether you want to be able to do something crazy or be able to tie your shoe lace without it hurting your back, I am here to help you every step of the way.

From a coaching perspective, beyond the piece of paper, I’m good at what I do because I understand movement. The ‘what’, ‘how’ and ‘why’ specific to YOU. I am able to communicate this in a relatable and personable way.
I am a personal trainer because I want to improve the quality of life to YOUR wants, needs and dreams. I’m here because I want to listen to you and give you the tools to improve yourself and have an awesome time whilst doing it. Will it be hard work? Most definitely. Will we laugh and enjoy ourselves in the process? I have no doubt! 
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The circus was the start of my journey. Since, I have coached aerial to beginners and professionals, been a head coach at a CrossFit gym. Coached flexibility, handbalance, Olympic lifting, functional fitness, juggling and tightwire! The thing that all of these disciplines have in common is a requirement to understand movement; Agility, balance, power, position and strength. To be able to communicate the ‘what’, the ‘how’ and the ‘why’ to that individuals learning style.
Whether you want to learn something crazy, get confident with a barbell or even just tie your shoe lace without it hurting your back. I’m here to help you get to where you want to be, every step of the way! I believe in grabbing life by the horns, having an idea and running with it…
So tell me, what do you want to achieve?




Feel better, move better, live better.

If you are looking to take control of your health, and lose weight, build strength or transform your fitness, then book in for a FREE consultation today!