Yoga for Stress Reduction – 20 Minute Yoga Class

Why Do Some Manage Stress Better Than Others?

Stress is a universal problem that affects us in many different ways. We all have varying amounts of it and some people are better coping at coping with it than others. Why do some people manage stress better than others? Is it that they are stronger people? 

Personality qualities have an impact on this for sure but what is of more importance I believe, is just that they have better coping mechanisms in place. It also helps to remember that the majority of stress is due to perception – it is created in our mind. For example, we might stress that we are going to be late due to road works but when we arrive there, the light is green and causes us no time delay. The stress therefore was unnecessary and only felt because we imagined a long hold up. 

Stress is All Consuming!

Another common cause of stress is when we believe something maybe too hard for us to achieve. It makes sense therefore to believe more in ourselves and our ability, in order to reduce stress. My wife always believes that she has enough time no matter how little time she has. Not only does she never stress about being late but always manages to make it to where she needs to be with a few moments to spare. 
The problem with stress is that it consumes our mental, physical and physiological energy. It is tiring and it hampers concentration and focus. A cool and confident mind is more likely to remember all the important things and to not make silly mistakes. Not only this, but you are likely to have more joy in your daily life and have the energy to focus on taking care of yourself. 

Self Care Is Important!

Stress is easily created and multiplied. Life is complicated but in our simplest form, we are animals and the simple things ground us and have a HUGE impact on our physical and mental health. Here are some top tips for keeping stress at bay:
1. Sleep for at least 6 good hours per night. If you don’t sleep well, try to find the time for a daytime nap. 
2. Do 2 – 5 sessions of low cardio activity or yoga per week
3. Meditate or find a peaceful hobby (like drawing, reading, knitting, walking or bird watching) 
4. Eat hot home cooked food regularly 
5. Worried about something? Talk to your favourite people! 
Free Spirit Fitness | Yoga For Stress Reduction | Yoga Class

More Yoga!!

Keeping stress levels low means that you are more likely to achieve a healthy weight. Cortisol is the hormone created by stress and when the body is stressed, your sympathetic nervous system is stimulated and this hormone is released. This hormone slows down your metabolism, effects how you digest food and how your burn fat. 
A healthy body is a balanced body. Here is a delightful 20 minute yoga routine designed to help you reduce and cope with stress. Connecting with your breath stimulates your parasympathetic nervous system and therefore this mindful movement has a very positive and energising effect on your body. Feel free to meditate for 10 – 20 minutes afterwards. Put on some calm music, sit as still as you can and just focus on slowing your breath down. 
Happy practicing! 
Victoria x 

What Do We Think at Free Spirit Fitness?

We are a team that believe that we need to be constantly evolving as individuals, furthering our skills and expertise so that we can offer you the best variety of training possible. We have the toolbox to help you live your best life – the better you feel in your body and the better it works for you, the easier focusing on the bigger things is. 

We support you in chasing your dreams – whether that is being able to run with the kids, walking the great wall of china or being able to comfortably wear those jeans you really love. It is not easy to get fit, stay fit and maintain a healthy weight in modern life. Often, our jobs and life obligations means that we are sedentary and tired so that we feel we don’t have the time to regularly exercise or that we are too tired to do anything when the opportunity does arise. Here at Freespirit, we actually make that exercise routine happen! Like you make your dentist appointments, you will make your fitness appointments. You don’t need to think about when you need to do it or feel bad for not doing it. We book the sessions and let the good times roll! Book yourself a FREE CONSULTATION today, contact us

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” Free Spirit works for me!! I’m back on track, and feel much leaner, healthier and brighter … eating well, exercising and enjoying being back in control of me!! I’d have no hesitation in recommending Free Spirit!! “

Rav Johal

Victoria Mairiaux-Jones

I'm a Personal Trainer dedicated to improving my clients health and fitness. I work with people of all ages and levels of fitness, across Leamington, Warwick and Warwickshire. Lose Weight and get fit with Free Spirit Fitness Culture.

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